The MLS area of East Colorado Springs is bordered by Union Boulevard and Powers Boulevard to the East and West, with Austin Bluffs Parkway and Platt Avenue to the North and South. This is a very active market for real estate sales. This area surrounds Palmer Park, one of the most popular parks in all of Colorado Springs. There are more great parks sprinkled throughout the area, as well as trails that connect the neighborhoods to each other. This page is updated every 15-minutes with the most recent listings from our local MLS.East Colorado Springs
Homes for Sale
East Colorado Springs Real Estate Statistics
Homes for Sale:
Avg Home Price
Average Home Size
Average Year Built
Available Homes for Sale in East Colorado Springs
All Listings $200,000- $300,000 $300,000- $400,000 $400,000- $500,000 $500,000- $600,000 $600,000- $700,000 $700,000- $800,000 $900,000- $1,000,000
Homes for sale in East Colorado Springs are typically between 1,500 to 3,500 square feet and were built from the 1960s to the late-2000s. Most of the area is entirely built out, with very little new construction left in this local community. As the city grows, the real estate around Palmer Park becomes more valuable every year, causing the demand for this area to increase. East Colorado Springs is zoned to Colorado Springs School District 11. This area is considered part of the Central MLS area within zip codes 80907, 80909, 80915, and 80917.