Southeast Colorado Springs

Homes for Sale

Southeast Colorado Springs is located East of Interstate 25 and West of Colorado Springs Airport, just south of the Powers Corridor. The area has homes built from the 1930s to 1970s. It is a well-established section of town with beautiful parks and trails scattered throughout the area. This page is updated every 15-minutes with the most recent listings from our local MLS in Southeast Colorado Springs.

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Available Homes for Sale in Southeast Colorado Springs

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815 riverview lane colorado springs co 80916

4Bed | 4 Bath | 2,307 Sq Ft | 0.23 Acres

1306 firefly circle colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 3 Bath | 1,560 Sq Ft | 0.01 Acres

730 mediterranean point colorado springs co 80910

2Bed | 2 Bath | 1,576 Sq Ft | 0.03 Acres

3449 kingfisher nest grove colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 3 Bath | 1,216 Sq Ft | 0.03 Acres

123 s brentwood drive colorado springs co 80910

4Bed | 2 Bath | 2,080 Sq Ft | 0.25 Acres

4997 leland point colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 2 Bath | 1,357 Sq Ft | 0.01 Acres

1888 final view alley colorado springs co 80910

3Bed | 3 Bath | 1,602 Sq Ft | 0.05 Acres

235 ellers grove colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 2 Bath | 992 Sq Ft | 0.01 Acres

506 lakewood circle colorado springs co 80910

3Bed | 2 Bath | 1,916 Sq Ft | 0.05 Acres

4660 skylark road colorado springs co 80916

3Bed | 3 Bath | 1,674 Sq Ft | 0.15 Acres

4555 hollyridge drive colorado springs co 80916

3Bed | 2 Bath | 1,152 Sq Ft | 0.11 Acres

2357 lexington village lane colorado springs co 80916

3Bed | 3 Bath | 1,546 Sq Ft | 0.02 Acres

840 calliope court colorado springs co 80916

3Bed | 2 Bath | 2,444 Sq Ft | 0.18 Acres

383 ellers grove colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 1 Bath | 989 Sq Ft | 0.01 Acres

3018 starlight circle colorado springs co 80916

2Bed | 2 Bath | 928 Sq Ft | 0.02 Acres


Homes for sale in Southeast Colorado Springs are typically between 800 to 3,500 square feet and were built from the 1950s to the late-2010s. Most of the area is entirely built out, with very little new construction left in this local community. Southeast Colorado Springs is zoned to Harrison School District 2 and Colorado Springs School District 11. This area is considered part of the Southeast MLS area within zip codes 80910 and 80916.


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