
18 Best Realtor Career Changes & Side Jobs for Real Estate Agents

Posted by Andrew Fortune 1,938 Views

18 Best Realtor Side Hustles & Career Changes

The real estate industry is famously unpredictable. Realtors are inundated with clients one year, while the next might find them seeking alternative income sources. If you're a real estate agent facing such ebbs and flows, exploring side hustles or career changes that leverage your existing skill set can be strategic and rewarding.

I have owned and operated a real estate brokerage for over ten years. In 2023, more real estate agents asked me about alternative career opportunities than at any other point in my career. This article is based on my personal experience and understanding of real estate sales and alternative career paths that match the industry.

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What Are the Best Real Estate Agent Career Changes?

Best Real Estate Agent Career Changes

If you are tired of being a real estate agent and want a completely fresh career, these career changes will interest you. Take your time evaluating the pros and cons of each field. Study the saturation rate of the job role and determine whether you have the energy and time to make any of these career changes work for you.

Sales Associate

Realtors are natural sales peopleIf you’re looking to transition to a high-paying job in real estate sales, a professional sales associate position may be your best option. A sales associate's income varies based on the margins of your product or services. Sales positions are often the highest paying within a company.

Transitioning from a real estate agent to a sales associate job can be smooth, given the overlapping skills and experiences between these roles.

A sales associate is primarily responsible for selling products or services, providing customer service, and ensuring a positive shopping experience for customers. Their duties often include:

Customer Interaction: Sales associates must greet customers, understand their needs, and assist them in finding products or services that meet those needs.

Sales and Promotion: Demonstrate product or service features and benefits, persuade customers to make purchases, and inform them about current promotions or discounts.

Product Knowledge: Maintaining a thorough knowledge of the products or services offered, staying updated on new items or changes, and being able to explain these effectively to customers.

Processing Transactions: Handling cash registers, processing payments, and managing financial transactions, including returns or exchanges.

Merchandising: Stocking shelves, organizing displays, and ensuring that the sales floor is clean and attractive.

Customer Service: Address customer inquiries, resolve complaints, and provide after-sales support.

Inventory Management: Monitor inventory levels, order stock as needed, and participate in inventory counts.

Team Collaboration: Working with other team members to achieve sales targets and improve overall store performance.

The role may vary slightly depending on the nature of the business (retail, services, B2B, etc.), but the core focus remains on customer interaction and driving sales. Sales associates are crucial in creating a positive customer experience, which can significantly impact customer loyalty and business success.

As a realtor, you already possess many key skills required for a sales associate role. The focus should be on aligning your existing skills with the needs of the new role, understanding any industry-specific requirements, and effectively communicating your relevant experience and adaptability in your applications and interviews.

Real estate agents can successfully transition into sales associate positions across various industries with the right preparation.

Administrative Assistant

Realtors are good at multi-taskingLike real estate agents, administrative assistants handle a variety of tasks daily. For realtors seeking a change from the pressures of self-employment, transitioning to an administrative assistant role could present a beneficial opportunity.

A real estate agents transitioning to an administrative assistant role can leverage many of their existing skills, although there are some differences in the job functions. Here's an analysis of how a realtor's skills and experiences might translate to being an administrative assistant:

Organization and Time Management: Realtors often manage multiple listings and client meetings, requiring excellent organizational skills. This directly applies to an administrative assistant's role, which involves scheduling, organizing files, and managing office tasks.

Communication Skills: Effective communication with clients is crucial in real estate. As an administrative assistant, these skills are essential for handling correspondence, interacting with clients or customers, and liaising between different departments.

Problem-Solving Abilities: Realtors frequently deal with unexpected issues, such as negotiation hurdles or last-minute changes in property showings. This ability to think on one's feet can be beneficial in an administrative role, where problem-solving is often required.

Technology Proficiency: Real estate agents use various software tools for listings, marketing, and communication. This experience can be valuable as administrative assistants often use various office software and technologies.

Administrative Skills: While realtors have some administrative experience, they might need to develop specific skills such as advanced proficiency in office software (like Microsoft Office Suite), data entry, or record-keeping.

Attention to Detail: Administrative assistants need a high level of accuracy and attention to detail for tasks like document preparation, managing schedules, and handling emails.

Understanding Office Dynamics: An administrative assistant's role is essential to adapt to the structured environment of an office setting, understand internal processes, and support a team or an executive.

While the day-to-day responsibilities of a real estate agent and an administrative assistant differ, the skill set acquired in a real estate career can be a strong foundation for a role in administration.

With additional training and a focus on relevant transferable skills, a realtor can successfully transition into an administrative assistant position. The key is to recognize and articulate how your experiences as a real estate agent can benefit the administrative functions of an organization.

Real Estate Appraiser

Realtors make great home appraisersReal estate appraisers are in high demand. While most occupations are only expected to grow by 3% over the next ten years, real estate appraisers are expected to grow by 5%.

Becoming a real estate appraiser typically involves a series of steps, which can vary depending on the country or region you are in. However, the general process in the United States is as follows:

Education Requirements: Start by fulfilling the educational prerequisites. This usually involves completing a certain number of hours of appraisal education courses, which can be found through various real estate appraisal educational institutions.

Apprenticeship or Experience: Gain experience by working under a certified appraiser. This step is crucial as it provides practical, hands-on experience. The required duration of this apprenticeship varies by state.

State Examination: After completing your education and experience requirements, you'll need to pass a state examination to become a licensed or certified appraiser.

State License or Certification: There are different levels of licensing and certification. For example, in the U.S., you can become a Licensed Residential Appraiser, a Certified Residential Appraiser, or a Certified General Appraiser, each with its own requirements and scope of practice.

Continuing Education: Real estate appraisers must complete continuing education courses to keep their license or certification active. This ensures that appraisers stay updated with the latest practices and regulations in the field.

Networking and Professional Development: Joining professional appraisal organizations can be beneficial for networking, staying informed about industry developments, and accessing continuing education resources.

It's important to check with your local or state licensing board for the specific requirements applicable to your area, as these can vary significantly. Additionally, staying informed about changes in real estate laws and market trends is crucial for success in this field.

Realtors who enjoy market statistics and viewing properties may find the transition to home appraisals very appealing. The need for tech-savvy appraisers will become more apparent as AI becomes more integrated into this industry.

Home Inspector

Realtors work with home inspectorsRealtors deal with home inspectors on most transactions. For this reason, they may understand this career better than other professionals. Understanding home inspection reports and knowing common repair items are essential to this job. Communicating issues with clients without causing panic is a skill that many real estate agents possess. This skill transfers well to home inspections.

Being a home inspector comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Here are some of the key pros and cons:

Pros of Being a Home Inspector:

Flexible Schedule: Many home inspectors enjoy a flexible work schedule, especially if self-employed. This allows for a better work-life balance.

Diverse Work Locations: Home inspectors don't have a fixed office; they travel to different locations for inspections, making the workday more interesting and varied.

Growing Demand: With real estate transactions always in play, there's a consistent need for home inspections. This demand can provide job security and steady work.

Independence: If working as a self-employed inspector, you have the autonomy to make your own business decisions and grow your client base as you see fit.

Satisfaction from Helping Others: Home inspectors play a critical role in helping buyers make informed decisions about a property, which can be very rewarding.

Cons of Being a Home Inspector:

Liability Risks: Home inspectors are responsible for identifying issues in a property. Missing a significant problem can lead to liability issues and damage to reputation.

Irregular Work Hours: Depending on client needs, inspectors might have to work during odd hours, including weekends. This can be challenging for work-life balance.

Physically Demanding: The job can be physically demanding, requiring inspectors to access hard-to-reach areas, climb ladders, and sometimes work in uncomfortable conditions.

Fluctuating Workload: The number of inspections can vary, especially with seasonal changes in the real estate market, leading to inconsistent workloads and income.

A career as a home inspector can be rewarding and offer a degree of independence and variety that many other professions do not. However, it also demands high responsibility, physical stamina, and a willingness to adapt to fluctuating work demands.

Realtors with home building and engineering experience the transition to home inspecting smoothly. Home inspection programs like Tagzter make the job faster and easier with time and experience.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Has Great PotentialAffiliate marketing is a process where an individual or business promotes products or services offered by another company and earns a commission for each sale or specific action resulting from their marketing efforts. It involves using unique affiliate links, and the affiliate is rewarded for driving traffic, leads, sales, or other desired actions for the retailer or advertiser.

There are different platforms where affiliate marketing can be conducted, including websites, YouTube channels, social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, newsletters, and podcasts. The choice of platform often depends on the affiliate's preference and the nature of the content or product being promoted.

Affiliate marketing programs vary in terms of payment structure. They can be categorized into three main types:

High-Paying, Low-Volume Programs: These programs offer high commissions but have fewer buyers. They are often niche products like specialized software or business services.

Low-Paying, High-Volume Programs: These involve products with mass appeal but lower commission rates, such as those offered by Amazon.

High-Paying, High-Volume Programs: These are programs for expensive products with mass appeal but may have high competition among affiliates.

Successful affiliate marketing typically involves creating high-quality content that integrates affiliate links naturally. This content could range from product reviews to blog posts or videos. Affiliates must disclose that they're using affiliate links, as required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for transparency.

There are also different models of affiliate marketing, including:

  • Unattached Affiliate Marketing: This involves promoting products without any connection to the niche or direct engagement with the product or audience.
  • Related Affiliate Marketing: In this model, affiliates promote products related to their niche, even if they haven’t used them personally.
  • Involved Affiliate Marketing: This approach involves promoting products that the affiliate has personally used and believes in, focusing on trust and authenticity with the audience.

Effective strategies to drive traffic to affiliate marketing content include paid advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and building an email list. The key is generating consistent traffic that leads to affiliate link clicks and sales.

Affiliate marketing can be a lucrative income source, ranging from a side hustle to a full-time online business. However, it requires careful planning, a good understanding of your audience, and a strategy to create and promote content effectively.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the comprehensive guides on affiliate marketing from sources like Ahrefs and Shopify.

Contactor Handy Man

Realtors have basic contractor skillsThroughout their careers, real estate agents frequently collaborate with contractor handymen. For those skilled in home repairs, pursuing a career as a contractor handyman can be profitable. This role encompasses a diverse range of experiences and challenges unique to the field.

Here's an overview of what it's like to be in this profession:

Diverse Skill Set: A handyman must be skilled in various areas, such as basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, painting, and more. Each day can bring a new type of job, making the work varied and interesting.

Problem-Solving: The role often involves diagnosing and fixing problems, which requires good analytical and problem-solving skills. Some jobs require creativity and knowledge of engineering.

Physical Work: The job is physically demanding, requiring lifting, climbing, bending, and using tools. Good physical health and stamina are important.

Flexibility: Handymen often have the flexibility to set their own schedules, especially if they are self-employed. This can lead to a good work-life balance, but it can also mean irregular hours.

There's a significant amount of client interaction, requiring good communication and customer service skills. If self-employed, a handyman must manage all aspects of the business, including marketing, scheduling, invoicing, and financial management.

There's potential for a good income, but it's not always consistent. While there's always a demand for handyman services, job security can be less predictable than being employed by a company, similar to being a Realtor. Workloads can be subject to seasonal changes; certain repair jobs might increase during specific seasons.

Being a contractor handyman can be a fulfilling career choice for those who enjoy working with their hands, solving problems, and dealing with various tasks. However, it also requires a broad skill set, physical endurance, and the ability to manage a business independently.

Marketing Manager

Realtors understand good marketing marketing manager oversees and guides a company's marketing strategies, campaigns, and initiatives to promote its products or services and increase brand awareness. They oversee the creation and distribution of marketing materials, manage digital marketing efforts like social media, SEO, and content marketing, and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns using metrics and analytics.

Additionally, marketing managers often lead a team of marketing professionals, providing direction and ensuring that the marketing goals are achieved effectively and efficiently.

Transitioning from a realtor to a marketing manager can be a viable career move, as several skills and attributes overlap between the two roles. Here's a breakdown of why a real estate agents might make a good marketing manager:

Communication Skills: Realtors excel in communication, as they regularly interact with clients, negotiate deals, and explain complex information clearly. These skills are crucial in marketing, where clear and persuasive communication is key.

Understanding of Consumer Needs: Real estate agents have a strong sense of client needs and preferences. In marketing, understanding the target audience's desires and pain points is essential for creating effective strategies.

Sales Experience: A core part of a realtor's job is sales, which is closely related to marketing. The ability to sell a product (in this case, property) translates well into marketing, which aims to create strategies that boost sales.

Networking and Relationship Building: Realtors often have extensive networks and are skilled at building and maintaining relationships. These abilities are valuable in marketing, where connections and partnerships can be crucial for success.

Strategic Planning: Marketing management involves strategic planning and execution. While real estate agents plan marketing strategies for properties, they would need to adapt these skills to a broader product or service range in a marketing manager role.

Analytical Skills: Marketing managers often analyze market data and campaign performance. Realtors have some market analysis exposure, but additional data analytics training might be necessary.

Digital Marketing Proficiency: While real estate agents use digital tools, a marketing manager role might require deeper knowledge of digital marketing strategies, SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing.

Overall, a realtor has many transferable skills that could make them a good marketing manager. However, success in this transition also depends on their ability to adapt these skills to a different context, possibly supplemented by additional education or training in specific areas of marketing.

If you excel at the marketing side of real estate, becoming a marketing manager may be a smooth career change for you.

Real Estate Coaching

Top Realtors make great coachesCoaching may be a good fit for you if you have had success as a Realtor but are simply burned out from the experience. You can use your past success as a platform to teach new agents how to grow their businesses.

A real estate coach specializes in guiding, mentoring, and advising real estate professionals to help them achieve their business goals, improve their skills, and enhance their overall success in the real estate market. The key roles and responsibilities of a real estate coach include:

Goal Setting and Strategy Development: Helping clients set clear, achievable goals and develop strategies to reach them. This can include business planning, setting sales targets, and identifying growth opportunities. Coaches typically meet with clients weekly or monthly to check up on their progress.

Skills Training: Offering training in specific real estate skills such as negotiation, sales techniques, marketing, and client relationship management. Coaches who help their clients generate and convert leads typically receive the highest pay.

Business Development: Assist in developing and refining business models, identifying new business opportunities, and expanding client networks. Coaches help real estate agents build and maintain multiple pillars of income within their business.

Marketing and Branding Assistance: Advising on marketing strategies, personal branding, and effective online presence to attract and retain clients. Coaches train Realtors to keep their branding consistent across all platforms and marketing materials.

Performance Monitoring: Track progress and help clients analyze their performance to identify areas for improvement.

Mindset Coaching: Help clients develop a positive, growth-oriented mindset crucial for long-term success in the competitive real estate industry.

Networking Opportunities: Real estate coaches provide opportunities for clients to connect with other real estate professionals, which can lead to partnerships, referrals, and collaborative learning.

Time Management and Efficiency: Teaching practical time management skills to balance various aspects of their business and personal life.

Real estate coaches are often experienced professionals in the field, possessing extensive knowledge and a successful track record in real estate. They use their expertise to mentor new agents or those looking to elevate their real estate careers. They provide support, insight, and guidance tailored to each client's needs and goals.

If you are known as a leader in your local market, coaching may be an easy side hustle to earn extra income and interact with the next generation of brokers.

Landscape Engineer

Realtors understand curb appealIt's often said by realtors that "Curb appeal sells homes quickly." Real estate agents, well-versed in what attracts buyers, recognize the significant impact of landscaping. Indeed, the exterior appearance of a home forms the initial impression for potential buyers when they visit a property for sale.

In regions such as the South, where landscaping needs are prevalent throughout the year, a career as a landscape engineer can be financially rewarding. These professionals are tasked with the conceptualization and design of landscaping projects for new residential properties, as well as the re-envisioning of outdoor spaces for existing homes. The demand for skilled landscape engineers remains consistently high, underscoring the potential for sustained income and career growth.

A landscape engineer, often known as a landscape architect, plays a vital role in planning, designing, and managing outdoor spaces and environments. Their work combines creativity, environmental science, and engineering principles. Here's an overview of their typical responsibilities and work activities:

Design: They create detailed plans and designs for landscape projects. This can include gardens, parks, college campuses, recreational facilities, private homes, and urban spaces.

Site Analysis: Before designing, they conduct a thorough analysis of the site, which includes understanding its topography, soil quality, existing vegetation, and any other relevant environmental and structural elements.

Environmental Consideration: They integrate sustainable practices, focusing on environmental conservation and ensuring the design is eco-friendly and sustainable.

Client Consultation: Landscape engineers work closely with clients, architects, and other stakeholders to understand their vision and requirements for the space.

Project Management: They oversee the project from conception to completion, which includes budgeting, scheduling, and coordinating with contractors and other professionals.

Technical Aspects: Their work involves technical aspects, such as creating drainage and irrigation systems, selecting appropriate plants, and designing paths, water features, and other structural elements.

Regulatory Compliance: They ensure that all landscape designs comply with local laws, regulations, and building codes.

Design Skills: Proficiency in design and visualization, often using software like CAD (Computer-Aided Design).

Knowledge of Flora and Fauna: Understanding various plants and their suitability for different environments and climates.

Environmental Science: Knowledge of ecology, geography, and soil science.

Communication Skills: Effective communication with clients, contractors, and team members.

Problem-Solving Ability: Creativity in addressing challenges related to site conditions, client preferences, and environmental concerns.

The role of a landscape engineer is multifaceted, combining artistic design with practical and scientific principles. They create functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor spaces. It requires a balance of creative design, technical knowledge, and project management skills.

If you’re a real estate agents with extensive knowledge of vegetation and environmental aspects of your area, this may be a great career transition to consider.

What Things Should You Consider When Making a Career Change out of Real Estate?

Things to consider when making a career change

Several important factors must be considered when real estate agents are considering a career change. These considerations will help ensure that the transition is as smooth and successful as possible:

Skill Transferability

Identify Your Skills: Identify the skills you have developed as a real estate agent, such as negotiation, communication, sales, marketing, and customer service. Make a list and work on it over time. You will need to articulate these skills to the people you will be working with in the future.

Match Skills to New Careers: Look for careers where your existing skill set will be valuable. Research online and document your findings. This can reduce the learning curve and make the transition smoother. This is why real estate professionals commonly seek sales and management positions.

Passion and Interests

Identify Important Personal Interests: Consider what you enjoy most in your current role and seek careers aligning with these interests. There may be things about real estate sales that you did not enjoy. Take time to envision what an enjoyable career may look like for you and seek out opportunities that align with your vision.

Research Long-Term Satisfaction Rates: Choose a path that suits your skills and promises personal fulfillment and long-term career satisfaction. You will put a lot of time and energy into this career change. Making the right move the first time will set you on track and help avoid burnout.

Market Demand

Research Job Markets: Investigate the demand for professionals in your chosen field. Consider job stability and growth prospects. Will AI replace the job one day? How saturated is the industry that you are considering?

Know Economic Trends: Stay informed about economic trends that could impact your new career choices, such as technological advancements or industry shifts. Are more people leaving the industry than joining?

Educational Requirements and Additional Training

Research Required Qualifications: Research the qualifications required for your new career choice, similar to when you got your real estate license. Some paths may require specific certifications or degrees. If you already have a degree, limit your research to just those industries that require a degree to thin out the competition.

Make Investments in Education: Be prepared to invest time and possibly money in further education, training, or licensing. If a company hires you, they may provide this training for you. If you become an independent contractor, you’ll likely have to plan and pay for licensing and education yourself.

Financial Considerations

Identify Your Income Expectations: Understand the potential income in your new career. Be prepared for possible changes in your financial situation during the transition. Real estate agents can earn large commissions and then have no work for months. Consider the difference between salaried positions and straight commission.

Budgeting for Job Transitions: Plan financially for the transition period, especially if there is a gap between jobs or additional training is unpaid. The transition may be stressful, but you can limit the stress by planning everything over the course of a year.

Work-Life Balance

Evaluate Your Lifestyle Changes: Consider how a career change will affect your lifestyle, including work-life balance, working hours, and stress levels. Do you have kids to pick up from school at a certain time, exercise routines to keep up with, or side hustles to maintain?

Protect Family and Personal Life: Consider the impact of the career change on your family and personal life. How will your partner be affected by your decision? Will friends and family see you more or less? These decisions can have a major impact on your life.

A career change should be a well-thought-out decision. It's important to consider the immediate benefits, long-term implications, and alignment with your personal goals, values, and lifestyle preferences.

What Are the Best Real Estate Agent Side Hustles?

Best Real Estate Agent Side Hustles

A real estate side hustle refers to a part-time business or job that a person engages in alongside their main occupation to generate additional income. The key characteristics of a real estate side hustle include flexibility, scalability, and the potential for quick additional revenue.

Here are some common side hustles that work well for real estate professionals:

Freelance Marketing

Realtors are great marketersSince real estate is one of the most saturated industries in America, most real estate agents have to learn how to market themselves to stand out. These skills are very valuable to most of the business world, making freelance marketing an obvious side hustle to consider.

Essential skills that are beneficial in both real estate and freelance marketing include:

Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for both marketing and real estate. It involves understanding client needs, conveying information clearly, and persuasive storytelling. Use your communication skills to earn new clients and market your services to potential clients.

Networking and Relationship Building: Both fields require building and maintaining relationships with clients, partners, and other stakeholders. As a Realtor, you know how important a professional network can be. Use your network to find new opportunities and let people know that you are for hire as a freelance marketer.

Market Knowledge and Research: Agents need to understand local real estate markets to be successful. In the same way, understanding market trends, consumer behavior, and effective strategies is important in marketing. Use your knowledge of statistics and research to show potential clients that you understand their business models and strategies.

Sales Skills: At the core, both jobs involve selling - a property in real estate and a product or service in marketing. Tap into your real estate sales skills to market yourself as a top-tier sales professional to earn clients' trust and confidence.

Digital Proficiency: In today's world, digital marketing skills (like SEO, social media, and content creation) are beneficial for real estate agents to market properties and themselves. Display your knowledge of software and apps that you use to be proficient and cost-effective.

Adaptability and Problem-Solving: Both roles demand adaptability to changing market conditions and creative problem-solving skills. Since you have already experienced this in your real estate career, you will appear more confident than other freelancers who are just starting and need a paycheck immediately.

If you enjoy the marketing side of real estate, this job may work well for you. There are multiple websites where you can make a profile to offer freelance work per hour. You can also find marketing job postings on various websites. Speed a few hours every day building your profiles and advertising your services across the internet and to your network of peers to ensure success.

Property Management

Realtors are great marketersProperty management is an obvious choice to consider since it is the most similar to being a real estate agent. You won’t handle sales and transactions as much, but you will manage many of the same skills and tasks as a realtor.

A property manager handles the day-to-day operations of real estate properties on behalf of the owner. This job is very closely related to the duties of a Realtor.

Their duties typically include:

Rent Management: Setting, collecting, and adjusting rent. You will need to have a good understanding of the systems required to manage deadlines and generate reports.

Tenant Relations: Finding, screening, managing tenants, and handling leases. The communication skills you’ve learned as a real estate agent will come in handy here.

Maintenance and Repairs: Ensuring the property is in good condition by arranging repairs. This will feel familiar to listing agents who have to manage home repairs before selling.

Compliance: Keeping homes compliant with property laws and regulations. You will need to follow continuing education guidelines, similar to your career as a real estate broker.

Budget Management: Managing the property's budget and keeping records. Like a real estate sales business, you’ll need profit and loss statements, files with relevant records, and maintenance documentation for each property.

Property Inspections: Regularly inspecting properties to ensure they are well-maintained. Form a routine schedule to visit these properties and stick to it.

Property management also involves specific tasks such as maintaining properties, handling tenant issues, and understanding legal compliance issues, which might require additional knowledge or training for a realtor. While the foundational skills are similar, success in property management might necessitate further learning or experience in the specific demands of the role.

To get started, interview property management companies in your area and offer to work for them for a few hours every week. Let them know that you are considering property management as a side hustle that can complement your real estate career.

Digital Content Creator

Realtors excel at digital contentReal estate agents are typically proficient with digital marketing and content creation. If you have learned how to market your business with digital content, you may enjoy a career change to become a full-time digital content creator for another company. This job can also be performed as a freelance gig or a side hustle.

A digital content creator is crucial to a company's online presence and marketing strategies. Their primary responsibility is to produce engaging, informative, and brand-aligned content across various digital platforms. Here's a detailed overview of what a digital content creator typically does for companies:

Content Development: Create a wide range of content, including blog posts, articles, social media posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and web content. This involves researching topics, writing, editing, and sometimes designing or producing multimedia content.

Brand Messaging: Ensure all content is aligned with the company's brand identity, messaging, and objectives. This involves understanding the company's voice, mission, and target audience.

Content Strategy: Collaborate with marketing teams to develop a content strategy that supports and extends marketing initiatives, determining the best ways to distribute and promote content.

SEO Optimization: Optimize content for search engines to improve visibility and rankings. This includes researching keywords, applying SEO best practices, and staying updated with the latest SEO trends.

Social Media Management: Manage and create content for various social media platforms. This involves engaging with followers, analyzing performance metrics, and staying abreast of social media trends.

Analytics and Reporting: Monitor and analyze content performance across different channels using analytics tools. Use insights from data to refine content strategies and improve engagement.

Collaboration: Work closely with other departments like sales, customer service, and product development to ensure content meets the needs of all stakeholders and is consistent across all channels.

Staying Current: Keep up-to-date with digital trends, content marketing techniques, and technological advancements that can enhance content creation and distribution.

In the digital age, content is king, and a digital content creator is vital in crafting and executing a company's content strategy. Their work directly impacts a company's online visibility, customer engagement, and overall brand perception. Producing high-quality and strategically aligned content plays a significant role in a company's marketing and communication efforts.

Freelance Copywriter

Realtors have great writing skillsA realtor might have the potential to be a good freelance copywriter, particularly if they possess strong communication skills, a persuasive writing style, and the ability to convey complex ideas in an accessible way. Real estate agents often develop skills in storytelling and persuasive sales techniques, which are valuable in copywriting.

However, copywriting also demands specific skills like understanding different writing styles for various platforms, having SEO knowledge, and being able to write compelling content for diverse audiences. A realtor may need additional training or experience in these areas to excel in freelance copywriting.

Starting a career as a freelance copywriter involves several key steps, each of which plays a crucial role in building a successful freelance practice.

Building Your Skills and Knowledge: The first step is learning effective copywriting basics. This involves understanding how to write compelling, engaging, and persuasive content. Numerous resources are available for learning copywriting, including books, online courses, and blogs dedicated to the subject. Numerous YouTube videos explain how to use AI to generate great copywriting.

Networking and Building Your Portfolio: Networking is crucial in the freelance world to gain clients. You can engage with potential clients and industry professionals through events, social media, and content marketing. Start by writing for smaller projects or offering your services to friends or local businesses. As you gain experience, your portfolio will grow, showcasing your skills and versatility.

Find a Niche: Specializing in a particular niche (either by service or industry) can command higher fees and make it easier to market yourself. For example, you might focus on SEO copywriting, conversion copywriting, or public relations. The further you venture from your area of expertise, the more time you will need to research.

Understanding the Freelance Landscape: Freelance copywriting offers flexibility regarding working hours, choice of clients, and the type of copy you work on. Your income can vary based on experience, skill level, location, and the type of clients and projects you take on. Some experienced freelance copywriters even achieve six-figure annual incomes in their first year.

Starting as a freelance copywriter requires skill development, networking, strategic pricing, continuous learning, and adapting to the market's needs. It's a career path that offers great flexibility and potential for growth, but it also demands a high level of self-discipline and commitment to continuous improvement.

If you spend time as a freelance copywriter, you can use the skills you learn in your real estate business to increase your sales and marketing visibility. This is one of the main reasons I prefer this side hustle over the others mentioned.

Real Estate Photography & Videography

Realtors are great marketersRealtors often learn how to take pictures and videos of homes when they're selling them. This skill is handy if you want to become a real estate photographer. Since you already know how the industry works and have experience working with real estate agents, starting a career in real estate photography could be easier for you.

Real estate photographers and videographers play a crucial role in the marketing and selling of properties. Their primary duties include:

Photography: They take high-quality photographs of properties, both interior and exterior. This involves using various techniques to capture the space in the most flattering and realistic way. They often use wide-angle lenses to capture the full extent of a room and employ lighting techniques, such as HDR, to make the space look bright and inviting.

Videography: In addition to still photography, they create video tours of properties. These videos provide a more dynamic and detailed view of the property, giving potential buyers a sense of walking through the home. Drone footage is also increasingly used to capture aerial views of the property and its surroundings.

Editing: Post-production work is a significant part of their job. This includes editing photos and videos to enhance colors, adjust lighting, and sometimes even virtually stage rooms with furniture and decor. This is one of the more time-consuming tasks that may be contracted to other freelancer editors to save time and money.

Marketing Material Creation: They may also be involved in creating additional marketing materials, such as virtual tours, 360-degree views, and floor plans. These are especially useful for online property listings.

Technical Skills: They need to have a good understanding of the latest photography and videography technology and software and an eye for composition and detail. There are many ways to photograph a home, but some take too much time, cost too much money, or are outdated altogether.

Real estate photographers and videographers' work is essential in creating a first impression of the property for potential buyers. This makes it a key element in the real estate industry and may be a good career move for the right real estate agent.

If you have good technical skills and are proficient with photography and video editing software, this may be a great side hustle that you can offer to your network of agents in your community.

Interior Design Specialist

Realtors are great marketersAs a realtor, your experience viewing numerous homes provides a distinct insight into various staging techniques. This knowledge is valuable and equips you to effectively prepare a home for sale.

An interior design specialist (also known as an interior designer) plays a multifaceted role in shaping the aesthetics and functionality of indoor spaces. Their responsibilities typically encompass the following:

Client Consultation: Understand client needs, preferences, and the functionality required for the space. This often involves discussing the client's budget and timelines, displaying examples of your work, and showcasing staging ideas for their.

Space Planning: As a Realtor, you know what a well-staged home looks like. You’ll need to create a detailed layout that maximizes the use of space while considering factors like traffic flow, furniture placement, and spatial harmony.

Design Concept Development: You must develop design concepts that align with the client's vision, lifestyle, and the home's architectural details. This includes selecting color schemes, materials, lighting, and finishes. For high-end properties, this may include renting furniture and decorative items to showcase the space for maximum impact.

Material and Product Selection: Choose furniture, fixtures, finishes, and accessories for the property. This requires knowledge of various materials and products, as well as trends in design and sustainability.

Lighting Design: Creating lighting plans that enhance the aesthetics of the space and provide functional lighting solutions. This could be as easy as adding dimmer switches and new light bulbs.

Visual Presentation and Rendering: Producing sketches or using design software to create visual representations of the proposed designs to help clients visualize the final space. Modern software makes this step much easier than in years past.

Interior design specialists often work closely with their clients throughout the process. They ensure that the outcome is aesthetically pleasing and practical for the intended use of the space. Their work can be seen in various settings, including homes, offices, retail spaces, public buildings, and hospitality venues.

Professional House Cleaner

Realtor Love a super clean homeHouse cleaning is something that most people can do with little training. It’s a physically demanding job with minimal start-up costs. House cleaning can be booked on a recurring basis, providing steady extra income each month.

A professional house cleaner plays a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness, hygiene, and overall appeal of residential spaces. Their primary duties typically include:

Dusting and Polishing: Remove dust from surfaces such as furniture, countertops, and appliances. House cleaners may also polish certain items or surfaces to restore their shine.

Vacuuming and Mopping Floors: Cleaning different types of flooring, such as carpet, hardwood, and tile. This involves using vacuum cleaners, mops, and appropriate cleaning solutions.

Bathroom Cleaning: Thoroughly cleaning bathrooms, including toilets, showers, bathtubs, sinks, and mirrors. This often involves using disinfectants to ensure hygiene.

Kitchen Cleaning: Cleaning kitchen areas, which can include wiping down appliances, countertops, sinks, and cabinet doors, as well as occasional deep cleaning tasks like cleaning the oven or refrigerator.

Window Cleaning: Wash windows may include interior and exterior glass surfaces, depending on the job requirements.

Laundry Services: Some house cleaners may offer laundry services, including washing, drying, ironing, and folding clothes.

Deep Cleaning and Seasonal Tasks: Performing more intensive cleaning tasks periodically, such as cleaning under furniture, washing walls, or clearing gutters.

Professional house cleaners may work independently, for a cleaning service company, or as part of a domestic staff in larger households. They typically possess a keen eye for detail, a strong work ethic, and the ability to work efficiently while ensuring a high standard of cleanliness.

Virtual Assistant

Realtors work with virtual assistantsA virtual assistant (VA) is a professional who provides administrative, technical, or creative assistance to clients remotely, usually from a home office. The range of tasks a VA might perform can be quite broad and varies based on the needs of their clients.

Common duties include:

Administrative Tasks: Handling email correspondence, scheduling appointments, managing calendars, setting up reminders, organizing files, and data entry. They may also assist with personal tasks like booking travel arrangements or event planning.

Customer Support: Handling customer inquiries via email, chat, or phone. This may include providing product or service information, resolving issues, and maintaining customer relations.

Social Media Management: Managing and scheduling posts for social media accounts, engaging with followers, analyzing social media trends, and possibly creating content.

Content Creation: Writing, editing, and proofreading content. This could include blog posts, newsletters, website content, and more.

Financial Tasks: Basic bookkeeping, invoicing, processing payments, and budget tracking. Some VAs may have the expertise to assist with more advanced financial management.

Technical Support: Provide basic IT support, manage databases, or assist with website maintenance and updates.

Research: Conduct internet research for various topics, compile data, and prepare reports.

Marketing Assistance: Assisting with email marketing campaigns, SEO efforts, and other marketing strategies.

Project Management: Assisting with planning, organizing, and managing projects, keeping track of deadlines, and coordinating with other team members or contractors.

Personal Assistant Tasks: Some VAs also undertake personal tasks for their clients, such as online shopping, making reservations, or managing personal appointments.

VAs typically possess strong organizational skills, are proficient in various software and tools (like Microsoft Office and Google Workspace), and have good communication skills. They are adaptable, often juggling tasks from multiple clients in different industries.

The flexibility and broad skill set of VAs make them valuable assets to entrepreneurs, small businesses, and busy professionals who need support but may not require or cannot afford a full-time, on-site employee.

Delivery Driver

Realtors drive through city neighborhoodsSince COVID, the need for delivery drivers has risen. Many people need goods and services delivered within their local area. This job is easy if you have a clean driving record and a reliable vehicle with good gas mileage.

As of 2023, several companies are considered among the best for delivery drivers, each offering different benefits and opportunities:

Courier Delivery Drivers: FedEx and DoorDash are top choices for courier delivery drivers. Postmates and Mayo Clinic are also notable for offering competitive median salaries.

General Delivery Drivers: Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza are among the best companies for delivery drivers. Trifecta Technologies and GPAC stand out for their high median delivery driver salaries.

Package Delivery Drivers: UPS and FedEx are highly regarded in this category. US Foods offers a notable median package delivery driver salary.

Pick-Up and Delivery Drivers: FedEx and Estes Express Lines are leading companies for pick-up and delivery drivers, with Estes Express Lines and Room & Board offering competitive median salaries.

Grocery Delivery Services: Instacart and Shipt are popular options. Instacart offers a flexible payment model, while Shipt provides a more transparent payment structure and simple bonuses and promotions.

Each of these companies offers unique advantages, whether in terms of pay, flexibility, or delivery services. Potential delivery drivers need to consider what aspects are most important to them—such as salary, work flexibility, or the type of goods they will deliver.

Real estate agents are used to driving around all day, showing homes, and visiting properties. If times are slow, a real estate broker can pick up some side work transporting goods across the city in their work vehicle.

Final Thoughts on Real Estate Agent Career Changes and Side Hustles

Transitioning to a new career or embarking on side hustles can be daunting and stressful for anyone. For Realtors accustomed to the independence of contract work, adapting to a structured, full-time role may be challenging. Before delving into any of the aforementioned career options or side hustles, it's crucial to take a moment to consider what aspects are vital for your new professional phase. Shape your career path based on your personal priorities and aspirations to prevent burnout.

From my experience, I've navigated several career changes and never looked back. The first steps are often the most difficult, as they involve building experience from the ground up. However, once you start earning a steady income and achieving a healthy balance between work and personal life, the true benefits and satisfaction of your career shift become apparent.

18 Best Realtor Side Hustles & Career Changes Infographic

Andrew Fortune

Hi! I'm Andrew Fortune, the founder of Great Colorado Homes and the creator of this website. I'm also a Realtor in Colorado Springs. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I am always open to suggestions and ideas from our readers. You can find all my contact info here. Let me know if you need a Realtor in Colorado Springs.

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