22 Things to Know Before Moving to Colorado Springs
If you're considering moving to Colorado Springs, this article will give you insight into the pros and cons of the area. Colorado Springs has a unique personality, unlike any other city in the country.
I own a real estate brokerage in Colorado Springs and am a Realtor who works in every part of this city. I've worked in every neighborhood and have boots-on-the-ground experience with the area lovingly called "The Springs." My family and I relocated to Colorado Springs from Houston, Texas, in 2014, but we began visiting and researching the different areas in 2008. I've also lived in several other States, which gives me a unique perspective.
Here is a quick reference to all the topics that I'll cover. You can use the reference guide below to jump to the parts that most interest you.
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Colorado Springs is a city amid change. As a result, The Springs is continually evolving and adapting to its growing popularity, which brings us to our first point.
Rapid Growth Causes Rapid Change
Colorado Springs has experienced an explosion of growth over the last six decades. The population continues to grow with no end in sight. As a result, this city has proven to be one of the best places to live in the United States. This popularity helps increase the demand for people moving to Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs is home to around 478,961 people. It has grown by 16.7% since 2010. The Springs have steadily increased at this rate since the 1970s. It's the second-largest city in Colorado, just behind Denver.
Here's a chart showing Colorado Springs' population growth over the past 100 years.
El Paso County has over 730,000 people in it. This number is more accurate to determine how many people live in the total area. It includes cities like Fountain, Manitou Springs, Monument, and Peyton, all suburbs of Colorado Springs.
As the Springs area gets closer to 1,000,000 residents, the dynamics change from a small town to a big one. El Paso County is in the midst of this change right now.
This explosion of growth has been fascinating to observe. When I moved here in early 2014, Interstate 25 at Baptist Road converted from a four-lane to a six-lane highway. Then, a few years later, they widened it to an eight-lane highway and continued this expansion to Denver.
Entire neighborhoods that are now commonly known areas didn't even exist when we arrived here. Now that the freeway expansion to Denver is complete, we can expect even more growth over the coming decades.
As the population grows, many parts of the town will also change. The area has experienced real estate price increases, but specific neighborhoods have appreciated much faster than others. It's been great for home sellers and tough on home buyers over the last few years.
To see a map of the areas that have experienced the highest real estate appreciation during the previous five years, click here or on the image below.
Neighborhoods Vary Dramatically
Neighborhoods in Colorado Springs offer vastly different experiences based on their elevation and proximity to the mountains. For example, the snow often takes a month longer to melt in the Black Forest than it does near Colorado College.
In Falcon, you may need to water your grass more than in the Broadmoor area because it gets less rain and has shallow soil. These different experiences happen within a few minute's drive from each other. Colorado Springs is unlike any other city I know.
The average elevation is around 6,000 feet above sea level. However, it can vary by over 1,500 feet as you travel from the Southside (near Fountain) to the Northside (near Monument). It only takes 45 minutes to make that drive. That is a substantial elevation change in such a short distance.
There are not many parts of the county where residents deal with severe elevation changes, which gives each part of El Paso County a unique feel.
Here's a map I created showing the different elevation changes around town. These areas are all within 45 minutes of each other.
I currently live on the Northeast side of town. In the Springtime, I can drive to Fountain and see plants starting to bloom. However, when I go home, the temperature will drop 10 to 15 degrees, and the vegetation in my neighborhood is still dormant. Being in the middle of seasonal changes and experiencing them at different times throughout the day, based on which side of town you're visiting, is surreal.
As you study neighborhoods in Colorado Springs, notice how different they are from each other. The diversity among neighborhood experiences is vast. This dynamic means that it may take additional research to choose a part of town that you like the best. Experienced real estate agents can offer the best insights into each community.
It's Extremely Dry Here
As you read articles about life in Colorado Springs, you'll notice that "dry air" is mentioned quite a bit. People visiting from lower elevations need to drink water every hour to prevent elevation sickness. Dry air has its pros and cons.
The air is clean and crisp in Colorado. I'll never forget the first time I flew into town and the airport doors opened. The temperature was the same when I walked outside the airport.
Coming from Houston, this was a brand-new experience. The humidity and heat in Houston are extreme and oppressive in every season. Most people rush from their cars to a building to be saved by climate-controlled air. However, I immediately fell in love with the crisp, calm atmosphere.
I was also amazed by how fast ice melts at higher elevations. It sounds strange, but it vanishes within a few minutes when you put ice in a glass of water. When you leave the shower and hang up your towel, it will dry within hours.
Hanging a towel in a humid climate would take more than a day to dry. Dry air also helps take the chill out of the winter air, so you'll often see people in shorts during 40-degree weather.
The downside to the dry climate is that water evaporates quickly. When it rains here, the surface water doesn't stay as long as it does at lower elevations. This dryness causes severe water issues in Colorado, which I'll cover in the next section.
Water is Complicated
Due to the topography, Much of the Colorado water stays in the Mountains.
Most of the population lives on the Front Range at a lower elevation, so water needs to move from the mountains to the people. Unfortunately, this dynamic creates a problem. Colorado continuously works to move water from one place to another to keep up with the growing demand.
If you plan to buy a house on acreage in Colorado Springs, you should read this article by Casey Fortune. He breaks down the different issues these properties face, especially when building a new home with a water well. New rules are established every year, making it more complex and more expensive to have land with a well on it.
Neighborhood water issues can also change. For example, a great community with no water restrictions may become re-zoned by the county. Unfortunately, this scenario may cause water rights to be divided again.
Water rights are an evolving issue here. Be sure you know what areas to avoid and what areas are safe.
The Snow is Not Bad
When I told my friends I was moving to Colorado Springs in 2014, their first response was, "How are you going to handle the snow?". I had prepared to take two or three months off of work to be snowed in. Fast forward many years later, and I have yet to be snowed in for more than one day at a time.
The weather in the Rocky Mountains front range is much less harsh than directly in the mountains. This dynamic is one reason why the vast majority of Colorado residents live on the front range. The snow in Colorado Springs only affects the area while it's coming down. It rarely snows for an entire day here.
Once the snow has fallen, the roads are then plowed. The sun melts the snow on the pavement within a few hours. The sun is intense in Colorado, and we enjoy an average of 300 days of sunshine annually.
If you have snow tires or all-wheel drive, there's minimal threat of sliding around. Even without snow tires, the conditions are generally good throughout the winter. Some winters, we hardly get any snow at all.
The Winter months are very active here, and people commute and enjoy outdoor activities all year. As a result, some of my favorite hikes have been in the middle of winter.
Mountain Life is Hard
Many people moving to Colorado Springs expect to live in the mountains when they get here. The Springs is not "in the mountains," though.
People from out-of-state typically want the "mountain life. So, when they realize that most homes in Colorado Springs are not directly in the mountains, they start looking into Woodland Park and the surrounding mountain towns.
People idealize "mountain life" in Colorado. They envision building a beautiful log cabin in the mountains and retiring in snowy bliss. That's not a realistic scenario, though. Instead, a much more harsh reality meets this dream for those who attempt it.
I've had home sellers contact me a winter or two after buying their dream home, wanting to sell. Unfortunately, mountain life is brutal in the cold months, and it's not for everyone. This is especially true if you are an extrovert and like to be around people often.
Those who live in the mountains can find themselves isolated for months during the winter. Around the time they're getting stir-crazy from so many months of snow, the front range starts experiencing Spring. This season comes much later in the Mountains. Not many people can handle the long winters up there.
If you buy a house on the north side of a mountain, you'll likely lose direct sunlight around 3:30 p.m. That lack of sun can affect your mood. It's a genuine problem that many people do not realize until they move into this harsh environment.
People avoid living in the mountains in Colorado for these reasons. Life on the front range, at a lower elevation, with level land, is much easier and more practical for day-to-day life.
Fashion is Not A High Priority
Colorado Springs is always near the top of the Worst Dressed Cities lists. Fashion is not a priority for most of the residents of Colorado Springs. I love this characteristic of our city.
You may be disappointed here if you enjoy fashion trends and glamorous styles. There are not many places to shop, and most people who want that lifestyle are more attracted to Denver.
When I lived in Houston, style and design were highly regarded. Everyone was aware of them. That is not the case here. I became aware of this within a few weeks of moving to Colorado Springs.
For the first year we lived here, I noticed the crazy clothing styles when I was out in public. I used to joke about this. Now, it is entirely normal, and I rarely see it anymore.
I love our lack of fashion, as I have no interest in whether my clothes match or are "in style." I'm more interested in being comfortable and dressing to match the weather patterns, and I suspect many of the residents here feel the same way.
We Dress in Layers
One reason our fashion sense is so bad (see above): we tend to dress in layers. Our weather can vary from 30 degrees in the morning to 80 degrees in the afternoon.
People tend to be more concerned with being hot or cold than with matching their clothes. Few people have the skill to coordinate several layers.
If you're moving to Colorado Springs at any time other than Summer, you'll want plenty of layers ready. Since it's dry here, the "layers" you may be familiar with in humid climates won't work the same at high elevations with dry air.
You'll rarely see leather jackets or heavy coats. Instead, We tend to stick to thin layers that are easy to remove as the temperature changes throughout the day.
Once you have the proper clothing, it's easy to adapt to the temperature. Just be aware that you'll likely change most of your wardrobe if you're moving here from a warm, humid climate.
You May Smell Marijuana
If you live in a state where marijuana is illegal, it might seem weird to smell weed while walking downtown. However, it's a common occurrence that took me a while to get used to.
I remember the first time I went to Breckenridge, CO. My kids were young, and we were walking down the beautiful flower-filled streets. Suddenly, a hipster opened the door to a building, and a giant cloud of pot smoke came out. I remember thinking that I hoped it wouldn't impact my kids in any way.
Now, I know that the legalization of marijuana is not a big deal. It hasn't had much of an impact on the state. I don't even think about it until I am confronted with a pungent smell in public with my family. That scenario lasts for about 20 seconds, and then we move on.
Marijuana has not been as much of a topic as I thought it would be when we first moved to Colorado Springs.
Our Restaurant Scene is Behind the Times
Many big cities are known for their food. Houston has some of the best Mexican food in the country. Sadly, you may not find that experience here.
Many big cities will have great restaurants within a few blocks of any location. In Colorado Springs, we typically have to do some driving to find food.
With that said, we love a few favorites, but the choices are slim. There are only a few Mexican restaurants that we will eat at. One is a hole-in-the-wall in Fountain that doesn't even have a dining room. It's challenging to find a variety of food types, not just authentic Mexican food.
I will say that this problem has become less of an issue over the past couple of years as the city grows. A few successful restaurants from Denver have started to move into our area, which raised the bar a bit. Communities like Northgate are gaining a ton of new restaurants. As the town continues developing, more eating options become available. Back in 2014, there were fewer places to eat.
Pikes Peak Never Stops Inspiring
No matter where you are in town, you can see Pike's Peak. Every day, the ridges and shapes of its face become more familiar. Finally, after a few years, you'll find "America's Mountian" has become like the face of an old familiar friend. Since I've lived here, not a week has gone by that I don't look at it and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Rarely do cities have one giant mountain as the focal point of all visual guidance. Mount Fuji in Japan may be the best comparison. It's a special thing that makes this city stand out from others.
People post pictures of Pikes Peak on social media daily. Here is a photo I took a few months ago from Palmer Park. You can see Garden of the Gods on the right side of the image and downtown on the left. My phone is filled with pictures like this one.
Colorado Springs City Council has done a great job of protecting the views here. They do not allow buildings to develop above a certain height. They have been bullish on maintaining the natural sights for everyone, something I sincerely appreciate.
Real Estate is a Mad House
Colorado Springs has been voted the third most popular place to live by US News and World Report. Even throughout the COVID pandemic, our real estate market dominated. Colorado Springs' popularity has taken off, and the demand has affected the housing market.
I've added a screenshot of the last 10-year price increases below. This image was taken from our Market Insider Report for April 2024. You can CLICK HERE to see the current market stats for the El Paso County area at any time.
Today, the median home price in Colorado Springs is $490,000. Home prices have held steady for the last two years as inventory levels rise and home buyers struggle with high-interest rates.
If you're planning to buy a home in Colorado Springs, be sure to use a licensed real estate agent for at least five years. We currently have over 6,000 agents in our MLS and only sell about 1,000 homes a month as a city.
Many real estate agents only sell 3 to 4 homes per year. They may have a more challenging time getting you the home you want based on a lack of experience. Be careful who you hire as your realtor.
People Enjoy Being Healthy
You'll find that many of the "healthiest cities in America" articles include Colorado Springs. It's home to the Olympic Training Center. Our gyms are typically full of people who consistently exercise. Heath is an integral part of people's lives here, and it shows.
The beautiful outdoor setting and numerous trail systems inspire people to get outside and explore the Olympic City. The higher elevation causes the lungs and heart to work harder when active. The dry climate motivates people to drink more water regularly.
These activities caused me to lose 50 pounds within six months of moving here, and I know others who have experienced the same.
I used to hike trails in exhaustion and watch guys much older than me run past us. Now, I'm one of those guys who run miles on the trails for hours at a time. I never expected that. I completely shattered my left foot in 2004 and was told that I would never run again.
Colorado has inspired me to overcome that diagnosis. It was a gradual progression that has dramatically changed my life. I am forever grateful to this beautiful state for helping me gain control of my health.
We Love Our Military
The military has a significant presence in Colorado Springs. More than 40,000 active duty service members and 80,000 veterans live there. It's a special privilege that the locals are proud to celebrate. Our 4th of July and Memorial Day celebrations are top-notch!
Many businesses offer military discounts and special incentives to active duty personnel annually. As a result, you can feel the love for our military throughout the community. It's inspiring.
Military folks have been some of the best people I have met since I've lived here. They are disciplined and intelligent. They also move a lot, making the Springs more transient than most cities.
I've appreciated the time I've had with my military friends, and I look forward to meeting more of them. This is an added benefit I did not expect when I first moved here.
Most New Development is North of Downtown
If you look at a map of Colorado Springs, you'll notice that there's not much new construction south of Downtown. Fort Carson Army Base and Fountain are the last hints of development before miles of undeveloped raw land down to Pueblo.
If you look north of Downtown Colorado Springs, you'll notice new developments up to Monument, CO. Most of the new growth happens between Monument and Downtown. A few unique communities down South are thriving, like Broadmoor. However, for the most part, Northgate and Brairgate currently have the newest developments.
The most popular new home developments in Colorada Springs are in Briargate, Northgate, Falcon, and the Powers Corridor. The Academy D20 School District is in this area, as well.
Traffic is Not Bad, In Comparison
Traffic issues in Colorado Springs are typically overblown by those who live here. Compared to other cities, there's not much traffic in this city. Although, as the city grows, this is starting to change.
If you're moving from a large city like Denver, Los Angeles, or Chicago, you'll be surprised how little time you spend stuck in traffic here. Of course, a few hot spots around the city worsen in the morning, but you rarely lose more than 5-10 minutes stuck in one place.
I have only been stuck in traffic a few times in the years that I've lived here. When the Air Force Academy holds its yearly graduation, the President of the U.S. comes to town, and our one major freeway is stopped for hours. Other than that, we rarely have traffic jams.
Coming from Houston, this was a huge relief! I would waste hours every week stuck in Houston traffic.
We're Not a "Mini Denver"
Many cities in the suburbs of larger cities tend to be mini-versions of the larger city they are close to. This is not the case with Colorado Springs, which is altogether a very different city from Denver.
Colorado Springs is a small city that has experienced rapid growth. However, multiple neighborhoods still have that small-town feel. In Denver, there are stores and malls every few miles. It takes years to learn about all the areas and what they offer.
Colorado Springs only takes a couple of months to learn about all of the different areas within it. However, it's not a city yearning to build, grow, and dominate. Many people here complain about the growth and want it to stay small. It's a less progressive city than Denver, which results in a different vibe.
One event that always reminds me of the small size of Colorado Springs is the Labor Day Lift-Off. Hot air balloons are released for three days during the weekend. It's fun to see many Colorado Springs residents at this big event.
As the city has grown over the last few years, I see more influence in Denver than ever, but it's still very different. For example, Northgate has many newer developments, reflecting some of Denver's characteristics, but our Downtown is not like Denver's.
The Roads Are Always Under Construction
Winter is harsh on the roads here—one of our city's biggest challenges is keeping up with road damage from the ice. If you live in a warm climate that does not include snow and ice, your roads will stay good for many years. Here, a route may last 2 to 3 years before it needs to be repaved.
Some areas have giant potholes that will destroy your car's suspension. The locals joke about this problem, but sometimes, the joke is not funny because the roads can cause severe damage to cars and trucks.
When I moved to Colorado Springs, I was surprised by how bad the roads were. Unfortunately, it's a severe problem.
We Love Our Dogs
I've never lived somewhere where dogs are held in such high regard. People rarely leave their dogs outside in Colorado Springs. Everyone seems to have at least one dog, and they are treated as family members, as they are.
Besides a good romp in fresh snow in the winter, these pets stay inside most of the season. In the Summer, they enjoy some time outside but spend most of their time inside.
If a person from another State moves here and keeps their dog outside all day, people will complain about the neighbors on Facebook and in the Nextdoor app. People who don't immediately attend to their dog's needs are often called out for it. Based on my experience, dogs seem to have equal rights as humans in Colorado Springs.
There are lovely dog parks all over the city where locals meet and let their dogs play together. It's another unexpected quality that I love about this fantastic city.
Plan for Wind
I was watching a PBS documentary recently about "sprites." It was a fascinating show about lightning that travels between the clouds and the ionosphere and can only be seen from an airplane above the clouds. To capture footage of these sprites, scientists worldwide fly up and down the Rocky Mountains front range to view the chaotic weather patterns. As a result, I have witnessed the most dramatic weather changes I have ever seen while living here.
When the great plains' heat meets the cool, dry air found in the higher altitudes, crazy things happen. No matter what the results, you can always expect high winds. The further East you travel from the mountains, the windier it gets. Places like Peyton and Calhan can have intense winds whenever the weather changes.
A vast line of wind turbines out east take advantage of this air movement. Unfortunately, homes at the top of the bluffs with amazing views often have violent winds. I learned this soon after moving to Colorado Springs.
Landscaping is Difficult in Some Areas
When the elevation in your city varies by 1,500 feet depending on where you live, vegetation requirements are likely to be complicated.
People at the mountains' foothills in Colorado Springs must choose plants that will not simply become a great lunch for the deer. If you move to this side of town, talk to your neighbors before buying flowers and plants.
Many people have lost their beautiful new landscaping to deer and other critters within a few months of installing them.
If you're moving out East, you may be surprised at how often your yard needs new sod. The terrain is drier and takes a beating from the sun and wind. Fresh grass will only last a few years before it needs to be replaced.
It's incredible how different the landscaping requirements are as I drive around the other parts of town.
Yes, We Have Bears
Colorado Springs does have bears, but attacks are rare. True to her city roots, my wife was scared to death of a confrontation with a bear when we first moved here.
If a bear wanted to, it could rip you to shreds, so people have every right to be afraid. However, I couldn't find one story online about anyone ever dying in Colorado Springs from a bear attack. If you research the topic, you may be surprised and perhaps relieved at how rare it is.
You will inevitably see photos of bears on Facebook from friends around town anytime a bear is spotted. They look so adorable and fun to watch. I've had clients who would plant certain bushes in their yards to attract bears because they loved them so much. Bears are fascinating creatures that instill awe and wonder into people when they encounter them.
After years of hiking the mountains and around town, my wife is no longer afraid of bears attacking us. Experience has taught her that it's safe to be here. All of the data points to bears being more of a mental threat than an actual physical threat.
I hope that the points in this article give you a well-rounded understanding of the pros and cons of Colorado Springs. It's not a city for everyone, but my family and I love it. After living here for years, it's hard to imagine living elsewhere.
Colorado Springs' unique quirks and features are now part of our memories and daily lives. Moving here has been one of the best decisions of our lives. We are fortunate to live in Colorado Springs.
If you have any questions about the area, please get in touch with me. Also, if you're moving to Colorado Springs and need a Realtor to show you around town, just let me know. Someone on my team will gladly share their insights on Colorado Springs with you.
It's a beautiful city that has inspired my family and me in many ways. I hope that it inspires you as well.

Hi! I'm Andrew Fortune, the founder of Great Colorado Homes and the creator of this website. I'm also a Realtor in Colorado Springs. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post. I am always open to suggestions and ideas from our readers. You can find all my contact info here. Let me know if you need a Realtor in Colorado Springs.
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